Kees Schaap's Work

The Strike on Life and Death

‘Staken op leven en dood’ reconstrueert de gebeurtenissen rond de April-meistakingen via een twintigtal verhalen die zich door heel Nederland hebben afgespeeld. Het zijn ontroerende en meespelende getuigenissen die de onwaarschijnlijke moed laten zien van honderdduizenden Nederlanders.

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Rough Curaçao

Documentary series in 5 episodes. Wensly Francisco meets different curaçao inhabitants every episode, during a year of opportunity and bad luck. Thus we see the rough side of Curacao that we hardly ever see. Wensly discovers the resilience of the island inhabitants. Every episode has a different theme, but they all start at the beginning of the first Covid-19 lockdown.
Camera and direction: Kees Schaap

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Blood Brothers

A documentary series of six episodes in which a Dutch-Turkish journalist and a Dutch-Armenian musical actor embark on a journey to discover the truth about the Armenian genocide. They travel through Turkish Anatolia and Armenia trying to follow the bloody trail of their grandparents.

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