Insurgents is a four episode documentary series wherein Sophie Hilbrand investigates, in different neighborhoods, why normal civilians rise against there local, unfair, government.
Insurgents is a four episode documentary series wherein Sophie Hilbrand investigates, in different neighborhoods, why normal civilians rise against there local, unfair, government.
Director. Documentary film in which Fidan Ekiz follows the lives of traditional and secular inhabitants of Istanbul, during the exiting election year 2019.
The doom of the SS van Imhoff deals with a horrible shipping disaster and a mysterious cover-up.
Co-director. A Dutch filmmaker feels guilty about false hope he gave 31 years ago to a Palestinian family he filmed for his first film. After an unexpected voicemail he decides to go back to the West Bank, together with his son who also wants to make movies.
Documentary series in 5 episodes. Wensly Francisco meets different curaçao inhabitants every episode, during a year of opportunity and bad luck. Thus we see the rough side of Curacao that we hardly ever see. Wensly discovers the resilience of the island inhabitants. Every episode has a different theme, but they all start at the beginning of the first Covid-19 lockdown.
Camera and direction: Kees Schaap
‘Staken op leven en dood’ reconstrueert de gebeurtenissen rond de April-meistakingen via een twintigtal verhalen die zich door heel Nederland hebben afgespeeld. Het zijn ontroerende en meespelende getuigenissen die de onwaarschijnlijke moed laten zien van honderdduizenden Nederlanders.